Application Made in Flutter to Manage List of Recipes

My Meals

Mobile application made with Flutter to manage meal recipes, separating them by categories. All data consumed in the application is Mocked.






Application features

  • List of meal categories.
  • List of all meals in a given category.
  • Show meal with ingredientese and step by step.
  • Functionality to favor meal.
  • List of all favorite meals.
  • Configuration screen to add restrictions (Gluten, Lactose, Vegetarian, Vegan).

Facilities and uses

⚠️ Before running the application, it is necessary that the Emulator is running⚠️

Clone or download this repository:

## Clone o repositório
$ git clone

Inside the / my-meals folder, run the following commands:

## Rode a Aplicação Mobile
$ Run 'main.dart'

## running on Emulator

Download Details:

Author: rodolforoc

Source Code:

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Application Made in Flutter to Manage List of Recipes
7.30 GEEK