For managing the large number of data set in a tabular form, you will require a Datatable in Laravel. Datatable provides an easy way to handle the data in the form of a table. You can apply the datatable to any table. After applying the table will have the options to search, filter, sort, pagination, etc. There are different plugins for the datatable. jQuery provides the Datatable library you can use this. But, for implementing datatable in Laravel we have a package called Yajra. The Yajra Datatables is an open-source package. You can find out it on Github. Today, in this post, I will implement Yajra datatable in Laravel 8. Hence, let’s begin by creating a new project.


We will create this project in Laravel 8. So, you must have the below tools for the Laravel 8 development.

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • MySQL (version > 5)
  • Apache/Nginx Server
  • VS Code Editor
  • Composer

#Laravel 8 #Laravel 8 Datatables #Laravel datatable implementation #Yajra DataTable #Yajra Datatable implementation

How to Implement Yajra Datatable in Laravel 8 For Beginners
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