Whenever a web application performs an async task, such as an HTTP request or animated page transition, it’s a good idea to add a loader animation to improve UX by setting user expectations (i.e. to say, “I’m busy performing a request”).

Simple Case

So we can write a simple “loader” service that does the job in a simple Angular/Ionic application:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
	import { LoadingController } from '@ionic/angular';

	  providedIn: 'root'
	export class LoaderProvider {

	  private loaderElement: HTMLIonLoadingElement;

	  constructor(private loadingCtrl: LoadingController) {

	    this.loaderElement = null;


	  public async showLoader() {
	    this.loaderElement = await this.loadingCtrl.create({
	      message: "thinking...",
	      spinner: "crescent"


	  public hideLoader() {
	    if (this.loaderElement) {


Whenever a component needs a loading indicator to show up, we would import this service into such component through dependency injection (DI) and we would call it as needed, like so:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
	import { LoaderProvider } from '../../services/loader.provider';
	import { FoundationProvider } from '../../services/foundation.provider';

	    selector: 'login-modal-component',
	    templateUrl: 'login.modal.component.html'
	export class LoginModalComponent {

	    constructor( public loader: LoaderProvider, private foundation: FoundationProvider ) { }

	    login(credentials) {
	            success => console.log(success),
	            error => console.log(error),
	            () => this.loader.hideLoader()


This works for simple applications but becomes real messy as the app gets bigger, since for every function that potentially requires a “loading spinner” UX we need to deal with show/hide logic in our code.

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Handle Concurrency With a Loader Indicator Service in Angular
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