In Data Science, you must have seen people reading CSV files and excel files to work with the data, but what about a PDF. Python is a very high level language that is the reason it is mostly getting used in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. So using Python for PDF is probably as easy task. Python provides you libraries for everything. So in this Article, we will explore python for PDF. I will show you some methods for working with the data by extracting it from a PDF using Python.

PDF is one of the mostly used media to transfer information regarding presentations, links, buttons, audio and video files, and the most important thing “data”.

Python for PDF Processing

PDF with Python

If you are learning Data Science or Machine Learning, or planning to do so, one thing you need to put in your mind is that while performing tasks with the data, using excel files(the most used one), one day you will also get a PDF to perform your data science skills. Now if your don’t how how to extract and work with the data using a PDF file, how will you mange to even start with your work. This is where Python for PDF skills will help you. Now let’s work using a PDF file with Python. You can download all the PDF files from here that I will use in this article to work with PDF with Python.

Extract Text from PDF with Python

To extract Text from a PDF using Python, you need to install a library known as PyPDF2, which you can easily install using the pip command –

#by aman kharwal #data science #pdf #python

PDF with Python and Python for PDF Processing
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