Given a value X, the task is to find a minimum size binary string, such that if any 2 characters are deleted at random, the probability that both the characters will be ‘1’ is 1/X. Print the size of such binary string.


Input:_ X = 2_

Output:_ 4_


Let the binary string be “0111”.

Probability of choosing 2 1s from given string is = 3C2 / 4C2 = 3/6 = 1/2 (which is equal to 1/X).

Hence the required size is 4.

(Any 4 size binary string with 3 ‘1’s and 1 ‘0’ can be taken for this example).

Input:_ X = 8_

Output:_ 5_

Approach: We will try to find a formula to solve this problem.


r = Number of 1’s in the string


b = Number of 0’s in the string.

  • If two characters are deleted at random, then

Total number of ways = (r + b) C 2.

  • If 2 characters are desired to be 1’s, Favourable number of cases = r C 2.
  • Hence, P(both are 1’s) = rC2 / (r + b)C2.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// C++ implementation of the

// above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

**using** **namespace** std;

// Function returns the minimum

// size of the string

**int** MinimumString(``**int** x)


// From formula

**int** b = 1;

// Left limit of r

**double** left_lim = **sqrt**``(x) + 1.0;

// Right limit of r

**double** right_lim = **sqrt**``(x) + 2.0;

**int** r;

**for** (``**int** i = left_lim; i <= right_lim; i++) {

**if** (i > left_lim and i < right_lim) {

// Smallest integer in

// the valid range

r = i;




**return** b + r;


// Driver Code

**int** main()


**int** X = 2;

cout << MinimumString(X);

**return** 0;




Time Complexity: O(1), as the difference between left_lim and right_lim will be always less than 1.

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

#combinatorial #competitive programming #mathematical #binary-string #probability #arrays

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