In this short article and video, I will show you how to work with XLSX in Node.js.

First, what is an XLSX file, it is a Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet created by Microsoft Excel. It stores the data as a compressed Zip file, which also contains a bunch of other files used to open the document. Now once we got that out of the way, let me show you how to work with it.

The first thing you will need to do is to install the XLSX package using NPM if you don’t know what NPM is, then check this video out right here.

Installing the package XLSX from NPM
npm i xlsx

Importing dependencies
const XLSX = require("xlsx");

Reading the file into memory
const workbook = XLSX.readFile("file-example.xlsx");

Converting the XLSX to JSON so it's easier to work with
let worksheets = {};
for (const sheetName of workbook.SheetNames) {
    worksheets[sheetName] = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetName]);

This line is optional and only used for the debugging
console.log("json:\n", JSON.stringify(worksheets.Sheet1), "\n\n");

Modifying the XLSX file
    "First Name": "Bob",
    "Last Name": "Bob",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "Country": "United States",
    "Age": 35,
    "Date": "22/09/2020",
    "Id": 1600,
    "New Row": "test"

Updating the XLSX file
XLSX.utils.sheet_add_json(workbook.Sheets["Sheet1"], worksheets.Sheet1)
XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "file-example.xlsx");

Creating a new XLSX file
const newBook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
const newSheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(worksheets.Sheet1);
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(newBook, newSheet, "Sheet1");

If you would rather want a video version of this article:

#xlsx #node.js #excel #nodejs #xlsx file

In this short article and video, I will show you how to work with XLSX in Node.js.
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