This high-level guide outlines some possibilities for Jakarta EE 10 as well as how you can contribute.

Java EE has been transferred to the Eclipse Foundation and Jakarta EE 9.1 is behind us. The next step in the journey is Jakarta EE 10. This write-up outlines some possibilities for Jakarta EE 10 as well as how you can contribute.

Ways of Contributing

There are many ways of contributing to Jakarta EE 10, depending on what your time and interest allow. You can always start simple and get more engaged over time.

  • You can simply follow a Jakarta EE technology that interests you. The easiest way to do that is by subscribing to its mailing list. All the Jakarta mailing lists are available here. We specifically link the mailing lists for some likely key Jakarta EE 10 technologies below. You should feel free to join discussions that interest you. Contributing your opinion as an end-user is one of the most valuable things you can do.
  • If you have a specific feature you would like to advocate for, you should do so on the mailing list to start with. It may be necessary to record an issue detailing the feature if it does not already exist. Each project has a GitHub repository where you can record issues. You should be able to find the issue tracker for projects from here. We specifically link the issue trackers for some likely key Jakarta EE 10 technologies below.
  • If you want to help implement a change in the technology, you should look through the issue trackers and ask to pick up an issue on the mailing list. You can contribute an API change, a TCK change, or a change in one of the technology implementations (such as GlassFishJerseyMojarraOpenMQ, or EclipseLink). Providing a proof-of-concept if you can is a great way to advocate for change (although this is clearly not an expectation from everyone).
  • If you are unsure where to start, just get on a mailing list, introduce yourself and say you want to help. There should be a Jakarta EE Ambassador present to engage you. You can also reach out through the Jakarta EE Ambassadors Google Group.

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Guide to Contributing to Jakarta EE 10
1.10 GEEK