I’m sure you’ve seen a word cloud. Generally, it’s a photo filled with words where the size depends on the frequency of times the word appears in the text you’d like to analyze. I wasn’t privy to this, but apparently, there has been/is (not sure) some pretty strong feelings against/for word clouds. I have read that they are badlame, equating them to a modern pie chart and even comparing them as the new mullet. Ouch. A mullet? Come on.

Image for post

Illustration by Bryan Dickinson

I’ve also read some ways to improve word clouds and useful times to use them. Regardless of which camp you are in, I found that leveraging a compelling graphic or visualization in a presentation, engages your audience, prompts a reaction, can start a conversation, can be influential, and opens the door for more detailed analysis. A visually compelling word cloud art can draw readers in. With that said, I won’t get further into the pros and cons of word clouds, you check out the above links for that.

We will use a couple of different methods to extract some meaningful words out of the text. We will then generate some word clouds using the Python libraries WordCloud, pandas, and NumPy.

WordCloud is a word cloud generator in Python. You can install WordCloud by one of the following commands.

pip install wordcloud

conda install -c conda-forge wordcloud

Check out installation details here, and you can read through the WordCloud documentation here.

#word-cloud #python #data-visualization

Generate Meaningful Word Clouds in Python
7.85 GEEK