I am using dd command for block level copy and just found out that there’s no built in way to check the progress. How do I use the Linux or Unix dd command while coping /dev/sda to /deb/sdb and display a progress bar when data goes through a pipe? How do I monitor the progress of dd on Linux?

The dd is a free and open source command-line tool for Linux, and Unix-like operating systems. It is mainly used to convert and copy files. Being a program mainly designed as a filter dd usually does not provide any progress indication. This page shows how to show progress copy bar on Linux operating system using GNU version of the dd command.

Linux dd Command Show Progress Copy Bar With Status

You need to use gnu dd command from coreutils version 8.24 or above to use the following option. The syntax is as follows to show progress copy bar with dd command:

dd if=/path/to/input of=/path/to/output status=progress

Let us pass the progress option to see periodic transfer statistics using GNU dd command:

## dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1024k status=progress


Linux dd Command Show Progress Copy Bar With Status
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