Windows Apps Effortlessly: Windows App SDK

Previously known as Project Reunion.

Delight users with modern UIAccess new platform featuresBackwards compatible
Modern navigation
Powerful WinUI 3 UI
Platform logo
Localization + power status + more
Down-level logo
Down to Windows 10 1809

...and more, without having to rewrite your app!

  • Use your current installer (no requirement to use MSIX, but there are reliability/security benefits to using MSIX!)
  • Additive platform APIs (only add what you need, leave the rest of your app as-is)
  • Works with Win32, WPF, WinForms, and more apps

Plus, create beautiful, modern apps for Windows 11 that are backwards compatible to Windows 10 October 2018 Update (build 17763 / version 1809)!

Version support

The Windows App SDK aims to work on supported versions of Windows. Right now we support down to build 17763 (version 1809/October 2018 Update) of Windows 10. Wherever possible, we'll use techniques like 'polyfills' and custom implementations to do the heavy lifting for you and make sure your app works across Windows versions and devices. In the future, there may be a couple APIs that are dependent on new OS features (like new Action Center functionality), however we will do our best to ensure this is the exception and not the norm, and provide reasonable fallbacks when possible.

Helpful links

  • More details about the Windows App SDK - More on what the project is and how we're approaching the work.
  • Video on Windows App SDK - Learn about the Windows App SDK in a 22 minute video!
  • Contributor guide - How to contribute to the Windows App SDK.
  • FAQ - Frequently asked questions about the Windows App SDK.
  • Developer docs - Microsoft documentation covering a wide range of Windows App SDK topics.
  • Samples - Discover Windows App SDK samples to assist in learning how to use the latest features!



We want to hear from you!

File a new issue! Tell us what problem you're trying to solve, how you've tried to solve it so far, and what would be the ideal solution for your app. Bonus points if there's a gist or existing repo we can look at with you.

Ask a question
Also, have a look at our frequently asked questions page which we will update periodically.

Start a discussion
Discussions can be about any topics or ideas related to the Windows App SDK. For example, you might start a Discussion issue to see if others are interested in a cool new idea you've been thinking about that isn't quite ready to be filed as a more formal Feature Proposal.

Vote on or suggest features
What components or features do you want to see in the Windows App SDK? Tell us on our productboard portal!

Code contributions
More information regarding contributing and developer guidelines here.

Data collection

The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository. There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications together with a copy of Microsoft's privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located at You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.

Download Details:

Author: microsoft

Official Github: 

License: MIT


Windows Apps Effortlessly: Windows App SDK
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