This blog post is written by guest author Bhavin Gandhi, Software Engineer at InfraCloud Technologies, Inc. InfraCloud helps startups, SMBs, and enterprises scale by adopting cloud-native technologies.

Using the Prometheus Operator has become a common choice when it comes to running Prometheus in a Kubernetes cluster. It can manage Prometheus and Alertmanager for us with the help of CRDs in Kubernetes. The kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart (formerly known as prometheus-operator) comes with Grafana, node_exporter, and more out of the box.

In a previous blog post about Prometheus, we took a look at setting up Prometheus and Grafana using manifest files. We also explored a few of the metrics exposed by YugabyteDB. In this post, we will be setting up Prometheus and Grafana using the kube-prometheus-stack chart. And we will configure Prometheus to scrape YugabyteDB pods. At the end we will take a look at the YugabyteDB Grafana dashboard that can be used to visualize all the collected metrics.

Before we begin

Before we get started with the setup, make sure you have a Kubernetes 1.16+ cluster with kubectl pointing to it. You can create a GKE cluster or an equivalent in other cloud providers or use Minikube to create a local cluster.

We will be using Helm 3 to install the charts, make sure you have it installed on your machine as well.

Installing the Prometheus Operator

The kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart installs the required CRDs as well as the operator itself. The chart creates instances of Prometheus and Alertmanager, which are the custom resources managed by the operator.

It also comes with a set of components which one would expect to have while setting up monitoring in a Kubernetes cluster. These components include: node_exporter for collecting node level metrics, kube-state-metrics which exposes Kubernetes related metrics, and Grafana for visualizing the metrics collected by Prometheus. The chart also comes with default Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts.

To setup Helm with the prometheus-community and yugabytedb repositories, run the following command:

$ helm repo add prometheus-community
"prometheus-community" has been added to your repositories

$ helm repo add yugabytedb
"yugabytedb" has been added to your repositories

$ helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "yugabytedb" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "prometheus-community" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈ 

To create a values file for kube-prometheus-stack, execute:

cat <<EOF > kube-prom-stack-values.yaml
      apiVersion: 1
      - name: 'default'
        orgId: 1
        folder: ''
        type: file
        disableDeletion: false
        editable: true
          path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/default


The above kube-prom-stack-values.yaml file tells Grafana to import the YugabyteDB dashboard from the given GitHub URL.

Now we will create a namespace and install kube-prometheus-stack in it.

$ kubectl create namespace monitoring
namespace/monitoring created

$ helm install prom prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
    --namespace monitoring \
    --values kube-prom-stack-values.yaml

To check if all the components are running fine, check the status of pods from the monitoring namespace.

$ kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring

NOTE: To keep things simple, we are not providing any other options to the Helm chart. Make sure you go through the README of kube-prometheus-stack and grafana chart to explore other options that you may need.

Installing and scraping YugabyteDB

With the monitoring setup done, let’s install the YugabyteDB Helm chart. It will install YugabyteDB and configure Prometheus to scrape (collect) the metrics from our pods. It uses the ServiceMonitor Custom Resource (CR) to achieve that.

To create a namespace and install the chart, run the following command:

$ kubectl create namespace yb-demo
namespace/yb-demo created

$ helm install cluster-1 yugabytedb/yugabyte \
    --namespace yb-demo \
    --set serviceMonitor.enabled=true \
    --set serviceMonitor.extraLabels.release=prom

If you are using Minikube, refer to this documentation section and add the resource requirements accordingly.

To check the status of all the pods from the yb-demo namespace, execute the following command. Wait till all the pods have a Running status.

#databases #distributed sql #kubernetes #grafana #prometheus #prometheus operator

Monitoring YugabyteDB in Kubernetes with the Prometheus Operator and Grafana
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