Blazor Tutorial - SPA framework for .NET Developers

Blazor tutorial - SPA framework for .NET developers

This video is very basic pieces of stuff on the blazor single page application(SPA) framework. The tour of Blazor, an experimental .NET web framework using C# and HTML that runs in the browser using a relatively new standardized web technology called web assembly.


  • 0:33 Intro
  • 2:18 Blazor Architecture
  • 3:25 Blazor Features
  • 4:11 Components in Blazor
  • 7:45 Creating new Blazor App
  • 8:10 Anatomy of Blazor App
  • 12:32 Dissecting the Counter component
  • 16:35 Parameters in Blazor
  • 19:10 Data binding in Blazor
  • 23:10 Event Handler in Blazor

Blazor CRUD app tutorial - SPA Framework for .NET developers

This video tutorial is about to create advance crud (CREATE, READ, UPDATE & DELETE) application using the blazor spa framework, entity framework, and SQL server.

Details About Video :

  • 0:48 - Creating a blazor server project in PowerShell
  • 1:35 - Opening the project in visual studio 2019
  • 2:30 - Creating a Database Model for entity framework
  • 3:40 - Creating a Database Context for database connection
  • 5:58 - Creating a Data Access Layer for CRUD Operations
  • 11:30 - Creating a Web API Controller for REST
  • 13:15 - Migrating the database
  • 15:00 - Web API CRUD
  • 18:05 - Creating a Route View in blazor (Routing in blazor)
  • 20:30 - Fetch all products data via REST API CALL in view page using blazor
  • 24:00 - Add Product to the database using REST API in view page using blazor
  • 34:00 - URI Route Navigation in Blazor
  • 41:30 - Create a view page to edit & update a product data via REST API using blazor
  • 52:20 - Creating a delete functionality via REST API using blazor

#dotnet #blazor #webassembly #web-development #csharp

Blazor Tutorial - SPA framework for .NET Developers
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