In my last post, we have gone through the exercise of building and deploying a Lambda service using the AWS SAM CLI via VS Code. In today’s post, I am sharing a similar approach in using the Fargate CLI to deploy a dockerized container services using Amazon Fargate.

There are similar tutorials that demonstrate the use of the Fargate CLI. However, there are some nuances in using the CLI and some inconsistencies in the flows that have to be addressed in its implementation.

I found an issue which impede new users to begin understanding and using the Fargate CLI:

  1. The Fargate CLI currently does not check if the default security groups exist. It polls for the fargate-default security group. For newly created AWS accounts, there is no such Security Group. This results in a nil being returned. The CLI continues down this path to register the task/service with the SG, resulting in messages that do not easily identify the root cause of the error.

This tutorial uses the forked version of the Fargate CLI that I have created. Pull Requests have already been made against the original repository to fix this issue and to improve the usability of the CLI, lowering the learning curve for new users to the CLI tool…

#fargate #aws #vscode #docker #cli

Learning AWS CLIs to Deploy AWS Fargate Services Using VS Code
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