The advancements and opportunities that Machine Learning has evoked are limitless in value. Before answering the question, ‘What is Machine Learning?’, I would highlight its importance from the perspective of ‘Why Machine Learning?’.

Suppose you work as a programmer in the Grammarly team and you are assigned to write a program that can correct grammar or spelling mistakes made by online writers. Are you an expert in handling the English vocabulary? Even if you are, how many grammar rules and words you would have to explore, in order to facilitate a good accuracy? One advantage of Machine Learning is that it does this hard part of analyzing patterns and building rules, resulting in reduced time for programming. If you have a rich example set from which the machine can learn, you are already equipped with what you need.

Now that you have successfully built an English spelling/grammar corrector using Machine Learning, suppose you are given the task to create a spelling/grammar corrector for the Chinese language. If you are not aware of the true capabilities of Machine Learning, you would be stressed upon listening to this. All you have to do is finding a rich Chinese dataset and provide a customized product of Grammarly for Chinese writers.

#gradient-descent #machine-learning #generalization #bias-variance-tradeoff

Machine Learning Basics
1.10 GEEK