Design patterns in JavaScript are reusable solutions applied to commonly occurring problems in writing JavaScript web applications.

It is quite appropriate to refer JavaScript design patterns as templates to provide solutions to problems but not quite to say that these patterns can replace the developers.

Design patterns help combine experiences of many developers to structure the codes in an optimized manner that meet the problems we are seeking solutions to, and gives common vocabulary used to describe solutions to our problems than describing the syntax and semantics of our code.

JavaScript design patterns assist developers to write organized, beautiful and well-structured codes. Although design patterns, when used can easily be re-used, they can never supplement developers, rather they only support them by preventing minor issues that could lead to major problems on the web application development by providing generalized solutions that are not tied to a specific problem.

They decrease the overall codebase by doing away with unnecessary repetitions, thus makes our code more robust than the ad-hoc solutions.

JavaScript Design Patterns

In this article, I will explore seven best and most popular JavaScript design patterns, which of course most of them will fall under three categories namely; creation design patterns, structural design patterns, and behavioral design patterns. A pattern is something like the following image; just to acquaint you into the context.

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7 JavaScript Design Patterns Every Developer Should Know
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