I have talked to many Android developers, and most of them are excited about Kotlin. So am I. When I just started learning Kotlin, I was solving Kotlin Koans, and along with other great features, I was impressed with the power of functions for performing operations on collections. Since then, I spent three years writing Kotlin code but rarely utilised all the potential of the language.

During this year, I did more than a hundred coding problems on Leetcode in Java. I didn’t switch to Kotlin because I know the syntax of Java 6 so well, that I could effortlessly write code without autocompletion and syntax highlighting. But I didn’t keep track of new Java features, as Android support of Java SDK lagged many versions behind. I didn’t switch to Kotlin for solving problems right away.

Although I was writing Kotlin code for several years, I felt that I need to make an extra cognitive effort to get the syntax and the language constructions right. Solving algorithmic problems, especially under time pressure, is very different from Android app development. Still, the more I learned about Kotlin, the more I realised how many powerful features I’m missing, and how much boilerplate code I need to write.

One day, I have decided that I need to move on, so I started a new session in Leetcode and switched the compiler to Kotlin. I solved just a few easy problems, but I already feel that I have something to share.


Let’s start with loops. Let’s say, you have an


of 10 elements

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

and you want to print

val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
for(index in (1 until array.size)) {
(1 until array.size)

is an


a class that represents a range of values of type


The first element in this range is


and the last one is


as we used


to exclude the last value. We don’t want to get



But what if we want to print all the elements of the array, except the element at index 5? Like this


Let’s get a bit more Kotliney then writing an


statement in the loop.

val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
for(index in array.indices - 5) {

returns the range of valid indices for the array. In this case







(0..9) - 5

will result in

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This is exactly what we need.

Kotlin also provides an ability to iterate from the greater number down to the smaller number using


The iteration step size can also be changed using

val array = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
for(index in array.size - 1 downTo 1 step 2) {

The code above with result in


Remove Vowels from a String

It’s problem number 1119 on Leetcode.

Given a string S, remove the vowels ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’ from it, and return the new string.

Even in Java there is a 1 line regex solution, but my intuition was the following:

1. Create a StringBuilder

2. Iterate over characters, and if the current character is not a vowel, append it to the StringBuilder

3. Return String from the StringBuilder

public String removeVowels(String S) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();  
  for(char s: S.toCharArray()) {
    if(s != 'a' && s != 'e' && s != 'i' && s !='o' && s != 'u') {
  return sb.toString();

What about Kotlin? More idiomatic way is to use



fun removeVowels(S: String): String {
  val vowels = setOf('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
  return S.filter { it !in vowels }
filter {predicate: (Char) -> Boolean}

returns a string containing only those characters from the original string that match the given predicate.

But instead of inverting


let’s use

fun removeVowels(S: String): String {
  val vowels = setOf('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
  return S.filterNot { it in vowels }

That was simple even for a beginner. Let’s move on to something a bit more sophisticated.

Running Sum of 1d Array

It’s another easy problem from Leetcode. Number 1480.

Given an array nums. We define a running sum of an array as runningSum[i] = sum(nums[0]…nums[i]). Return the running sum of nums.

Input: nums = [1,2,3,4]

Output: [1,3,6,10]

Explanation: Running sum is obtained as follows: [1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4].

So we need to iterate over the array, adding the value at the current index to the running sum, and put it to the same index in the result array.

Is there something in Kotlin to help us with the running sum? Well, there’s different variations of





Here’s a good explanation of those functions. But since Kotlin 1.4 there’s even more:




As we want to start with the first element and return an array, it looks like


is what we need. Let’s check its signature.

 * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right
 * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.
 * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.
 * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce
public inline fun IntArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Int, Int) -> Int): List<Int>

Sounds a bit too complex, but it will make sense when you’ll see an example.

fun runningSum(nums: IntArray): IntArray {
  return nums.runningReduce { sum, element -> sum + element }.toIntArray()

This is the whole solution to the running sum problem using Kotlin




starts with the first


in the array, element represens the current element. In lambda, we calculate the value of the next


Oh… I guess my explanation isn’t making it more clear that a doc. Let’s just print out the values of the


and the


at each step:

sum: 1; element: 2; sum + element: 3
sum: 3; element: 3; sum + element: 6
sum: 6; element: 4; sum + element: 10
sum: 10; element: 5; sum + element: 15

And the array we return is

[1, 3, 6, 10, 15]

There is no

sum + element: 1

I didn’t miss the line. The thing is that


as we see in the doc, takes the first value as the initial accumulator.

Unfortunately, Leetcode doesn’t support Kotlin 1.4 yet, so the code above might not compile.

#kotlin #programming #android #java #mobile-apps

How to Use Kotlin to Solve Coding Problems
2.45 GEEK