A Clone of Gmail Made with React Native


A Gmail clone made with React Native and rn-boilerplate-ts@0.0.2


Cloning the repository

Clearly you’ll need git installed on your machine. Navigate to a directory of your choice and clone the repository.

  $ git clone https://github.com/Gerlison/rn_gmail.git

Installing dependencies

After cloned, navigate inside the project. Change “project_folder” to the folder just created by the clone command

  $ cd project_folder/

You’ll need to install the project’s dependencies now. To do that just:

  $ yarn
  $ cd ios/
  $ pod install

In case you haven’t any of them installed, here some the links for install npm or yarn.


Be sure you have a running simulator/emulator or a device conected.

  # for development
  $ yarn android
  # or
  $ yarn ios

  # for production android builds
  $ cd android
  $ ./gradlew assembleRelease


screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm


Create a fork

To contribute to a open source project, you can do a fork from the source code, do your own changes on a copy without compromising the original.

If you don’t know how to do that, follow this guide.

Git Flow

GitFlow is a branching model for Git, created by Vincent Driessen. It has attracted a lot of attention because it is very well suited to collaboration and scaling the development team.

So, in my projects I always try to use that. It’s very useful and helps to control what is happing to the code base.

Read a little bit more about this.

Open a Pull Request

With all your changes done, and you are ready to contribute, open a pull request to the upstream develop branch. Your PR will be analysed, discuted and aproved gratefuly.

About pull requests

Download Details:

Author: Gerlison

Source Code: https://github.com/Gerlison/rn_gmail

#react #react-native #mobile-apps

A Clone of Gmail Made with React Native
13.20 GEEK