Dvm is an nvm-like version manager for Deno

DVM - Deno Version Manager

Dvm is an nvm-like version manager for Deno.


There are two ways to install DVM.

  1. Install dvm from network by the following command:
$ curl -o- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ghosind/dvm/master/install.sh" | bash

For Chinese user, you can also install it from Gitee by the following command:

$ curl -o- "https://gitee.com/ghosind/dvm/raw/master/install.sh" | bash -s --gitee
  1. Clone this project and execute install.sh script:
$ git clone "https://github.com/ghosind/dvm.git"
# you can also clone it from gitee
# git clone "https://gitee.com/ghosind/dvm.git"
$ cd dvm
$ ./install.sh

After installed dvm, please restart your terminal or use source <your_rc_file> to apply changes.

Getting Start

After installed dvm, you can use it to manage multiple version Deno environments.

Use dvm install <version> command to download and install a specified version from the source.

$ dvm install v1.0.0
$ dvn install v0.42.0

Use dvm uninstall <version> command to uninstall a specified version.

$ dvm uninstall v0.39.0
$ dvm uninstall v1.0.0-rc

Use dvm use [version] command to link deno to the specified version by parameter or .dvmrc file.

# use v1.0.0
$ dvm use v1.0.0

# get version from .dvmrc file
# $ cat .dvmrc
# # v1.0.0
$ dvm use

Use dvm current command to display the current version of deno.

$ dvm current
# v1.0.0

Use dvm ls command to list all installed versions, and use dvm ls-remote to list all available versions from remote.

# list all installed versions
$ dvm ls
# list is an alias for ls command
$ dvm list

# list all available versions
$ dvm ls-remote
# list-remote is an alias for ls-remote command
$ dvm list-remote

Use dvm run command to run Deno on the specified version with arguments.

# Run app.ts with Deno v1.0.0
$ dvm run v1.0.0 app.ts

Use dvm upgrade command to update dvm itself (Since v0.3.0).

$ dvm upgrade


DVM supported the following commands:

Command Usage Description
install dvm install <version> Download and install the specified version from source.
uninstall dvm uninstall <version> Uninstall the specified version.
use dvm use Use the specified version read from .dvmrc.
dvm use <version> Use the specified version that passed by argument.
dvm use <name> Use the specified version of the alias name that passed by argument.
run dvm run <version> [args] Run deno on the specified version with arguments.
alias dvm alias <name> <version> Set an alias name to specified version.
unalias dvm unalias <name> Delete the specified alias name.
current dvm current Display the current version of Deno.
ls dvm ls List all installed versions.
list dvm list Same as ls command.
ls-remote dvm ls-remote List all remote versions.
list-remote dvm list-remote Same as ls-remote command.
which dvm which Display the path of the version that specified in .dvmrc.
dvm which current Display the path of the current version.
dvm which <version> Display the path of specified version.
clean dvm clean Remove all downloaded packages.
upgrade dvm upgrade Update dvm itself.

Uninstalling dvm

You can execute following command to uninstall dvm:

rm -rf "$DVM_DIR"

Edit shell config file (like .bashrc or .zshrc), and remove the following lines:

# Deno Version Manager
export DVM_DIR="$HOME/.dvm"
export DVM_BIN="$DVM_DIR/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:$DVM_BIN"
[ -f "$DVM_DIR/dvm.sh" ] && alias dvm="$DVM_DIR/dvm.sh"


  1. Fork dvm project. (https://github.com/ghosind/dvm)
  2. Create your Branch. (git checkout -b features/someFeatures)
  3. Commit your Changes. (git commit -m 'Add some features')
  4. Push to the Branch. (git push origin features/someFeatures)
  5. Create a new Pull Request.

Download Details:

Author: ghosind

Source Code: https://github.com/ghosind/dvm

#deno #nodejs #node #javascript

Dvm is an nvm-like version manager for Deno
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