C## and the .NET CLR use exceptions to show that an error condition has arisen during program execution. C## programs are under constant threat of running into some sort of problem. As a program’s complexity grows, the probability that something odd would happen during its execution also gets higher.

In this blog, we will go through the basics of Exception and Exception handling. We will also look at how we can achieve exception handling using try, catch, and finally blocks and how to create your own custom exceptions.


The errors which we are getting at the run time of the application is called an exception.

If any exception is coming into our application then the application is abnormally terminated. The Application is not considered as a good application if any exception is coming and it is not handled.

Every time when we are developing an application and it got successfully build without any errors. Then this happens


For that, it is good practice to use exception handling.

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Exceptions and Exception Handling in C#
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