The other day, I was thinking about what project I should work on? for writing my next tutorial blog. So after some time, I think a bunch of neurons in my brain did some computation and fired a signal, that led me towards a thought of 👇

How about making a project using Neural Networks Algorithm?

So the goal was set:

  1. Learn about Neural Networks
  2. Create a project out of it
  3. Write a tutorial on it, and share it with the online community

So now the key question was:

where should I learn about Neural Networks?

As a project-based learner, I was looking for a hands-on course/tutorial with some basic theoretical knowledge about Neural Networks. So I chose to enroll in the Neural Networks and Deep Learning Course.

Just to let you know that this is the first course of Specialization offered through Coursera and is taught by Prof Andrew Ng. The Co-founder of Coursera, and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University.

#towards-data-science #image-classification #python #how-to #machine-learning

How to Build an Image Classification app using Logistic Regression
1.40 GEEK