In the context of Supervised Learning (Classification), Naive Bayes or rather Bayesian Learning acts as a gold standard for evaluating other learning algorithms along with acting as a powerful probabilistic modelling technique.

In this post, we are going to discuss the workings of Naive Bayes classifier implementationally with Python by applying it to a real world dataset.

The post is divided more broadly into the following parts:

  • Data Preprocessing
  • Training the model
  • Predicting the results
  • Checking the performance of the model

The above parts can be further divided as follows:

→ Data Preprocessing

  1. Importing the libraries
  2. Importing the dataset
  3. Splitting the dataset into the training set and testing set
  4. Feature Scaling

→ Training the model

  1. Training the Naive Bayes model on the training set

→ Predicting the results

  1. Predicting the test set results

→ Checking the performance of the model

  1. Making the Confusion Matrix

→ Visualisation

  1. Visualising the Confusion Matrix

#towards-data-science #python #machine-learning #data-science #computer-science

Implementing a Naive Bayes Classifier
1.10 GEEK