4 JavaScript frameworks you should consider trying out for your next web app: Express.js; Next.js; Gatsby.js; Nuxt.js

One significant reason for the success of JavaScript in recent times has been its versatility. It is possible to use JavaScript for front-end client-side development and backend server-side development mainly because of Node.js. It will be possible to choose from several server-side JavaScript frameworks, and the most well-known choice happens to be Express.js.

However, before making a choice, it is essential to consider several fundamental aspects such as scalability, performance, and the flexibility of your web application.

In the following paragraphs, we have mentioned the 4 JavaScript frameworks and their pros and cons.

  • Express.js
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby.js
  • Nuxt.js

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4 JavaScript Frameworks You Should Consider For Your Next Web App
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