In this post, we will learn how to animate SVG icons using React Spring. We will be building a dark mode toggle.

Don’t want to code along? See this button as a package on Github.

Creating amazing user experiences for users on a website is the main objective of a web developer. Sometimes we see amazing animations that bring the website to life. In this instance, I want to focus on dark and light mode toggle, specifically sun and moon transition. Here are some examples of what we will be inspired by:

Sun and moon animated icon transition

Sun and moon animated icon transition

We will be building this with SVGs and React Spring. In short, what makes this method possible is the use of an SVG mask. It allows us to do hide two icons in one, and change their properties with animation using React Springs. This will guarantee a fluid spring-physics transition and be able to use Javascript to display whichever icon we need.

I assume you have created a React project. If not, please do so with something like Create React App.

#react #svg #web-development #webdev

Using React Spring to Animate SVG Icons: Dark Mode Toggle
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