Naive Bayes is one of the most classification algorithms in the classic machine learning area. It is completely based on the famous Bayes Theorem in Probability.

Don’t be scared by the words “machine learning” or “algorithm”. In this article, I’ll introduce how the Naive Bayes Classification works as a machine learning algorithm.

I always try my best to explain machine learning algorithms in plain words without any scientific expressions in this “Everyone Can Understand Machine Learning” series. However, I would expect you to have at least basic probability knowledge to understand this one. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a statistician, just know something like the probability of tossing a coin to get a face is 50% :)

In this article, I will first introduce what is the Bayes Theorem. Then, I’ll give a simple example that using Bayes rules to correct our “first intuition”. After that, why the machine learning algorithm is called “Naive Bayes”, why “Naive”? Finally, I will give a practical example to explain how a machine can guess the sex of a person.

Bear in mind, you don’t need to be a professional to understand this article. So, relax and enjoy the reading!

#statistics #machine-learning #data-science #artificial-intelligence

Everyone Can Understand Machine Learning - Naive Bayes Classification
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