In this video, we will take a look at how to make our first API request with Postman. We will cover GET, POST, PUT and DELETE method as well as go over common HTTP status codes you’ll encounter during API testing.

🔗Video Resources:
HTTP status codes -
API Basics -

0:00 - Make API request with Postman
0:08 - Navigating through Postman UI
1:20 - Send the first API request using Postman
2:35 - Making a GET request using Postman
4:20 - Making a POST request using Postman
9:02 - Making a PUT request using Postman
11:03 - Making a DELETE request using Postman
12:10 - HTTP status codes overview
14:43 - Wrapup

Thanks for watching :)

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Make API request with Postman | Postman API Testing
1.15 GEEK