If you’re working with DevOps, there’s a good chance that you’ll know about continuous testing. In this blog post, we take a look at continuous testing to understand why it plays a key role in DevOps, and why test automation is  essential in enabling continuity.

DevOpsCI/CD, and Agile are all methodologies and approaches that have gained attention infrequent years in the QA and testing fields.

They have emerged with the need to make testing leaner and to enable businesses to deliver quality at speed.

DevOps, CI/CD, and Agile are different, but share the same purpose and goal of allowing businesses to deliver quality through flexible delivery models that drive fast feedback loops and immediate responses, allowing businesses to adapt to changes in the market quicker than ever before.

#devops #continuous delivery #ci/cd #continuous testing

The Key to Continuous Testing in DevOps
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