Did you ever feel like monkey patching your UI component? Adding too many if/else, handling a lot of complexity or hacking several non-desired side effects. Did you ever have a problem with double-clicking an async button? Fetching multiple times the same resource in a row? Did you have problems translating UX interfaces and mock-ups into your applications scenes?

All this kind of problems can be properly fixed by applying a different point of view. An architecture based upon Mealy state machines. Also known as finite state machines or automatas. These machines are deterministic, pure and idempotents. Opening a new set of possibilities from predictable components to autogenerated tests.

Let’s take a look to this new paradigm for UI components. You’ll discover a better and cleaner world ;)

Ruben is a Javascript hacker, crossfiter and paleo-chef. He plays the ukelele and read about political science. Gamer and cinephile.

#ux #ui

How to Mastering UX/UI with Finite State Machines
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