Welcome to the Angular version 11 release.

Version 11.0.0 is here and we’ve got some great updates for Angular developers everywhere. This release has updates across the platform including the framework, the CLI and components. Let’s dive in!

What’s in this release?

Updates on Operation Byelog

When we shared Angular’s Roadmap, one of the items was Operation Byelog where we committed to putting a significant engineering effort towards triaging issues and PRs until we have a clear understanding of the broader community needs. We can now report that the original goal is complete! We’ve triaged all the issues in all three of the monorepos and will continue this as an ongoing effort as new issues get reported.

This is our commitment: Going forward all new issues reported will be triaged within 2 weeks.

In the process, we resolved a few popular issues in the router and forms.

Also, we’ve closed the third most popular issue!

Now, we’re planning the next steps to support the Angular community. We’ll continue triaging and fixing issues, and work towards improving our processes for accepting community contributions.

Automatic Inlining of Fonts

To make your apps even faster by speeding up their  first contentful paint, we’re introducing automatic font inlining. During compile time Angular CLI will download and inline fonts that are being used and linked in the application. We enable this by default in apps built with version 11. All you need to do to take advantage of this optimization is update your app!

Component Test Harnesses

In Angular v9 we introduced Component Test Harnesses. They provide a robust and legible API surface to help with testing Angular Material components. It gives developers a way to interact with Angular Material components using the supported API during testing.

Releasing with version 11, we have harnesses for all of the components! Now developers can create more robust test suites.

We’ve also included performance improvements and new APIs. The parallel function makes working with asynchronous actions in your tests easier by allowing developers to run multiple asynchronous interactions with components in parallel. The manualChangeDetection function gives developers access to finer grained control of change detection by disabling automatic change detection in unit tests.

For more details and examples of these APIs and other new features, be sure to check out the  documentation for Angular Material Test Harnesses!

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Angular 11 Now Available
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