This is one of the numerous posts by TechCommanders in a series for studying for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam.

Become a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)!

Etcd is a vital component of Kubernetes cluster. The Etcd nodes exchange the information through the Raft distributed consensus algorithm. For this tutorial we will be using Rancher’s RKE clusters and learn how we can back up etcd from one cluster and restore it to another. This concept will help you in scenarios like when your running cluster goes wrong due to any reason and you need to transfer it to a new one or the spare one.

So, before getting started with backup and restoration, let’s get a brief idea about Rancher’s RKE.

What is RKE?

It is a CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution that runs entirely within docker containers. RKE is managed by a company named Rancher Labs. It is a management platform for Kubernetes which also gives us liability to manage many clusters within the same interface. It covers cluster provisioning, user access control, workload deployment, and many more things.

This is also well-known in an open-source environment and the binary file for the installation on different OS is available here. Once installed, we can list all the available commands in a terminal like this.

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Implement etcd backup and restore — CKA Exam Preparation Series
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