Staying busy is good for business, but it is difficult to schedule your meetings and appointments with clients, partners, or even employees. All the meetings were planned manually before tools like Calendly came into the market. Calendly aims to fix the problem of scheduling your day with ease. It helps you spend less time fixing the meeting and locking down dates and gives you more time preparing for them.

So what is Calendly? In this blog, I’ll walk you through the basics of Calendly and how to integrate Calendly with an Angular Application.

What is Calendly ?

Calendly is an application for scheduling appointments, meetings, and events. Everyone is on different schedules and in different time zones. So you have to send four different emails, just to set something up. Calendly eliminates the back and forth. When you want to schedule a meeting, just share your link. Invitees can only pick from time slots that follow the rules you have created. So you are always in control of who you meet and when. The meeting is added to all of your calendars once your invitee picks a time.

  • home-page

Calendly works with your most common business applications, securely integrating with your calendar, so it always knows your availability. You can embed your Calendly link on your website. Next, we will learn how to integrate it with angular.

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How to Integrate Calendly with Angular Application
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