Xamarin.Forms.Maps has a lot of great features! One of them is the easy ability to get coordinates from just a tap on the map. Also, it has a geocoder built-in! That means you can get addresses from coordinates and vice versa.

In this video we will see all of that and as a bonus how to move the map to a certain region!

🔗 Links
Sample App Repo: https://github.com/jfversluis/XFMapsGeocodeSample

Setup Maps Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgOwa7TQvIU
Essentials Geocoding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HGtTQZuH-8

Maps Docs Page: https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/android/platform/maps-and-location/maps/

Xamarin Forms Repo: https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms

⏱ Timestamps
00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Inspect End Result
01:14 - Shoutout Time!
01:49 - Sample App Outline
03:02 - Xamarin.Forms.Maps NuGet Package
03:29 - Get Coordinates on Tap on Map
05:26 - Get Address From Coordinates
09:10 - Address To Coordinates
11:58 - Move Map To Certain Region
15:10 - Outro

#location #maps #googlemaps #applemaps #bingmaps

Getting Coordinates and Addresses with Xamarin.Forms.Maps
1.20 GEEK