Utility for JavaScript Promise and AsyncFunction


Utility for JavaScript Promise and AsyncFunction.


npm install --save extra-promise
# or
yarn add extra-promise



function isPromise<T>(val: any): val is Promise<T>

Check if the val is a Promise instance.


function isPromiseLike<T>(val: any): val is PromiseLike<T>

Check if the val has a then method.


function delay(timeout: number): Promise<void>

A simple wrapper for setTimeout.


function timeout(ms: number): Promise<never>

It throws a TimeoutError after ms milliseconds.

try {
  result = await Promise.race([
  , timeout(5000)
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof TimeoutError) ...


function retryUntil<T, U = unknown>(fn: () => T | PromiseLike<T>, until: (error: U) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>): Promise<T>

If fn function throws an error, continue to retry until the return value of the until function is true.


function parallel<T>(tasks: Iterable<() => T | PromiseLike<T>>, concurrency: number = Infinity): Promise<void>

Perform tasks in parallel.

The value range of concurrency is [1, Infinity]. Invalid values will throw InvalidArugmentError.


function series<T>(tasks: Iterable<() => T | PromiseLike<T>>): Promise<void>

Perform tasks in order. Equivalent to parallel(tasks, 1).


function waterfall<T>(tasks: Iterable<(result: unknown) => unknown | PromiseLike<unknown>>): Promise<T | undefined>

Perform tasks in order, the return value of the previous task will become the parameter of the next task. If tasks is empty, return Promise<undefined>.


function each(iterable: Iterable<T>, fn: (element: T, i: number) => unknown | PromiseLike<unknown>, concurrency: number = Infinity): Promise<void>

The async each operator for Iterable.

The value range of concurrency is [1, Infinity]. Invalid values will throw InvalidArugmentError.


function map<T, U>(iterable: Iterable<T>, fn: (element: T, i: number) => U | PromiseLike<U>, concurrency: number = Infinity): Promise<U[]>

The async map operator for Iterable.

The value range of concurrency is [1, Infinity]. Invalid values will throw InvalidArugmentError.


function filter<T, U = T>(iterable: Iterable<T>, fn: (element: T, i: number) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean>, concurrency: number = Infinity): Promise<U[]>

The async filter operator for Iterable.

The value range of concurrency is [1, Infinity]. Invalid values will throw InvalidArugmentError.


function promisify<Result, Args extends any[] = unknown[]>(fn: (...args: any[]) => unknown): (...args: Args) => Promise<Result>

The well-known promisify function.


function callbackify<Result, Args extends any[] = unknown[]>(fn: (...args: Args) => PromiseLike<Result>): (...args: Args) => void

The callbackify function, as opposed to promisify.

The return value:

  • If args.length = 0 then throw InvalidArgumentsLengthError.
  • If the last element of args is not a function then throw InvalidArugmentError.
  • If the error of it is a falsy value then wrap it into a FalsyError, the reason property is the real error.


function asyncify<T extends any[], U>(fn: (...args: T) => U | PromiseLike<U>): (...args: Promisify<T>) => Promise<U>

Turn sync functions into async functions.

const a = 1
const b = Promise.resolve(2)

const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b

// BAD
add(a, await b) // 3

const addAsync = asyncify(add) // (a: number | PromiseLike<number>, b: number | PromiseLike<number>) => Promise<number>
await addAsync(a, b) // Promise<3>


function cascadify<T extends object>(target: T): Cascadify<T>

Use the decorator cascadable to mark the cascadable methods (the return value is PromiseLike<this>), transform the instance into a cascadify instance, and end with the non-cascadable member.

class Adder {
  value: number

  constructor(initialValue: number) {
    this.value = initialValue

  get() {
    return this.value

  async getAsync() {
    return this.value

  async add(value: number) {
    this.value += value
    return this

await cascadify(adder)

await cascadify(adder)

await cascadify(adder)

makeChannel, makeBlockingChannel

  • function makeChannel(): [(value: T) => void, () => AsyncIterable<T>, () => void]
  • function makeBlockingChannel(bufferSize: number): [(value: T) => Promise<void>, () => AsyncIterable<T>, () => void]

Implement “multi-producer, single-consumer” FIFO queue communication with Promise and AsyncIterable.

makeChannel return a tuple includes three channel functions:

  • function send(value: T): void
  • function receive(): AsyncIterable<T>
  • function close(): void

makeBlockingChannel is the asynchronous blocking version of makeChannel implemented with Promise. When the amount of data sent exceeds bufferSize, blocking will occur until data is taken out by the consumer.

makeBlockingChannel return a tuple includes three channel functions:

  • function send(value: T): Promise<void>
  • function receive(): AsyncIterable<T>
  • function close(): void

If the channel closed, send() will throw ChannelClosedError.

// makeChannel
const [send, receive, close] = makeChannel<string>()

queueMicrotask(() => {

for await (const value of receive()) {

// makeBlockingChannel
const [send, receive, close] = makeBlockingChannel<string>(1)

queueMicrotask(() => {
  await send('hello')
  await send('world')

for await (const value of receive()) {


class Deferred<T> implements PromiseLike<T> {
  then: PromiseLike<T>['then']

  resolve(value: T): void
  reject(reason: unknown): void

Deferred is a Promise that separates resolve() and reject() from the constructor.


class LazyPromise<T> implements PromiseLike<T> {
  then: PromiseLike<T>['then']

  constructor(executor: (resolve: (value: T) => void, reject: (reason: any) => void) => void)

LazyPromise constructor is the same as Promise.

The difference with Promise is that LazyPromise only performs executor after then method is called.


class Signal implements PromiseLike<void> {
  then: PromiseLike<void>['then']

  emit(): void
  discard(): void
  refresh(): void

The emit() make the internal Promise resolve.

The discard() make the internal Promise reject SignalDiscarded.

The refresh() re-creates the internal Promise.

Download Details:

Author: BlackGlory

Source Code: https://github.com/BlackGlory/extra-promise


Utility for JavaScript Promise and AsyncFunction
17.15 GEEK