Today we’ll look under the hood of JavaScript’s V8 engine and figure out how exactly JavaScript is executed.


Web Standards are a set of rules that the browser implements. They define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web.

W3C is an international community that develops open standards for the Web. They make sure that everyone follows the same guidelines and doesn’t have to support dozens of completely different environments.

A modern browser is quite a complicated piece of software with a codebase of tens of millions of lines of code. So it’s split into a lot of modules responsible for different logic.

And two of the most important parts of a browser are the JavaScript engine and a rendering engine.

Blink is a rendering engine that is responsible for the whole rendering pipeline including DOM trees, styles, events, and V8 integration. It parses the DOM tree, resolves styles, and determines the visual geometry of all the elements.

While continually monitoring dynamic changes via animation frames, Blink paints the content on your screen. The JS engine is a big part of the browser – but we haven’t gotten into those details yet.

#javascript #developer

How JavaScript Works: Under the Hood of the V8 Engine
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