React Mobile Tabs Component (web & react-native)


React Mobile Tabs Component (web & react-native), inspired by react-native-scrollable-tab-view



npm i
npm start



online example:





// normal
<Tabs tabs={[
    { key: 't1', title: 't1' },
    { key: 't2', title: 't2' },
    { key: 't3', title: 't3' },
    { key: 't4', title: 't4' },
    { key: 't5', title: 't5' },
]} initalPage={'t2'}
  <div key="t1"><p>content1</p></div>
  <div key="t2"><p>content2</p></div>
  <div key="t3"><p>content3</p></div>
  <div key="t4"><p>content4</p></div>
  <div key="t5"><p>content5</p></div>

// single content
<Tabs tabs={[
    { title: 't1' },
    { title: 't2' },
    { title: 't3' },
    { title: 't4' },
    { title: 't5' },
]} onChange={(tab, index) => {
        scData: JSON.stringify({ index: index + Math.random(), tab })
        <p>single content</p>

// single content function
<Tabs tabs={[
    { title: 't1' },
    { title: 't2' },
    { title: 't3' },
    { title: 't4' },
    { title: 't5' },
        (index, tab) =>
                <p>single content</p>
                <p>{JSON.stringify({ index: index + Math.random(), tab })}</p>

// renderTabBar e.g: Sticky, react-sticky


npm run rn-init
npm run watch-tsc
react-native start
react-native run-ios



属性 说明 类型 默认值 必选
tabs tabs data Models.TabData[] true
tabBarPosition TabBar’s position ‘top’ ‘bottom’ ‘left’
renderTabBar render for TabBar ((props: TabBarPropsType) => React.ReactNode) false
initialPage initial Tab, index or key number string
page current tab, index or key number string
swipeable whether to switch tabs with swipe gestrue in the content boolean true false
useOnPan (web only) use scroll follow pan boolean true false
prerenderingSiblingsNumber pre-render nearby # sibling, Infinity: render all the siblings, 0: render current page number 1 false
animated whether to change tabs with animation boolean true false
onChange callback when tab is switched (tab: Models.TabData, index: number) => void false
onTabClick on tab click (tab: Models.TabData, index: number) => void false
destroyInactiveTab destroy inactive tab boolean false false
distanceToChangeTab distance to change tab, width ratio number 0.3 false
usePaged use paged boolean true false
tabDirection tab paging direction ‘horizontal’ ‘vertical’ horizontal
tabBarUnderlineStyle tabBar underline style React.CSSProperties any
tabBarBackgroundColor tabBar background color string false
tabBarActiveTextColor tabBar active text color string false
tabBarInactiveTextColor tabBar inactive text color string false
tabBarTextStyle tabBar text style React.CSSProperties any

TabBarPropsType (Common):

属性 说明 类型 默认值 必选
goToTab call this function to switch tab (index: number) => void true
tabs tabs data Models.TabData[] true
activeTab current active tab number true
animated use animate boolean true true
renderTab render the tab of tabbar (tab: Models.TabData) => React.ReactNode false
page page size of tabbar’s tab number 5 false
onTabClick on tab click (tab: Models.TabData, index: number) => void false
tabBarPosition tabBar’s position defualt: top ‘top’ ‘bottom’ ‘left’
tabBarUnderlineStyle tabBar underline style React.CSSProperties any
tabBarBackgroundColor tabBar background color string false
tabBarActiveTextColor tabBar active text color string false
tabBarInactiveTextColor tabBar inactive text color string false
tabBarTextStyle tabBar text style React.CSSProperties any

Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test


npm run coverage

open coverage/ dir

Download Details:

Author: react-component

Live Demo:


#reactjs #reactnative #react-native

React Mobile Tabs Component (web & react-native)
16.75 GEEK