Almost a year ago I have started a topic on LinkedIn where I asked how old were you when you wrote your first program and what was the programming language. This post collected a lot of feedback (more that 170 comments) and had a lot of views (36k+) and finally (“one year later” meme here…) I got a time to put all the answers together and made some charts.

Disclaimer: This poll and statistic is not representative and only reflect small portion of my LinkedIn network.

Your First Programming Language

The majority started their exiting journey to the world of programming with Basic. In this statistic, I have combined all variations of BASIC (QBasic, Visual Basic, Sinclair Basic, Casio Basic, MSX Basic ) under the single category.

First Programming LanguageThe second one is Pascal, which was quite popular in post-soviet countries, we were studying it at school and at university. I think this is the reason it was the first programming language for many people.

I was really surprised I didn’t see python so much (only one answer), since now it’s considered the best language to start learning programming (at least if you google “What is the best programming language to learn first”).

The same counts for JS, only one person wrote his first program in JavaScript.

I think this is because LinkedIn is not so popular among younger generation (you can see later that a lot of people wrote their first program on ZX Spectrum or Commodore) so this group is underrepresented in this poll.

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Your First Programming Language
1.35 GEEK