C++ File Handling Example | File Handling In C++ Tutorial is today’s topic. Most computer programs work with files because it helps into stores the information permanently. The information and data stored under a special name on a storage device are called a file. Stream refers to a sequence of bytes. A file itself is the bunch of bytes stored on some storage devices like tape, magnetic disk, etc. The binary file is a file that contains information in the same format as it is stored in memory. In binary files, are used for a line and no translations occur here.

C++ File Handling

In C++ language, files are mainly dealt by using the three classes fstream, ifstream, ofstream available in fstream header file.

  1. ofstream: Stream class to write on the files
  2. ifstream: Stream class to read from the files
  3. fstream: This Stream class to both read and write from the /to files.

#c++ #file handling in c++

C++ File Handling Example | File Handling In C++ Tutorial
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