End-to-end testing can be a daunting prospect when you’ve never tried it, but things aren’t as messy as they used to be. Today we take a look at Cypress and how it can help you implement testing in no time and no sweat.

Over my career I’ve dabbled in various forms of testing, both on the backend and front-end. I’ve tried various frameworks and experimented with different approaches, types of tests, and philosophies. From unit tests to Gherkin behaviour tests to E2E tests with Selenium in the good ol’ days, I’ve seen a lot.

And yet despite all this, I don’t consider myself good at testing because I can be very lazy, and I tend to get discouraged quickly when writing tests becomes too hard. I don’t do TDD as much as I should nor do I care about things like code coverage or testing every edge case.

I’m a very optimistic kinda gal and often get satisfied with purely testing the happy path or ensuring things just broadly work. All of these are consequences of successes and hardships encountered in my journey, to the point where I know I should write this or that kind of tests, but never do because past experiences taught me that doing these things right was hard.

#cypress #testing #developer

Cypress or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love E2E
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