Use RabbitMQ, C#, REST-API and Entity Framework for asynchronous decoupled communication and eventually consistency with integration events and publish-subscribe

In this guide, you will create two C# and ASP.NET Core Microservices. Both microservices have their own bounded context and domain model. Each microservice has its own database and REST API. One microservice publishes integration events, that the other microservice consumes.

Decoupled Microservices — A Real-World Example With Code

The application uses a real-world example with users that can write posts. The user microservice allows creating and editing users. In the user domain, the user entity has several properties like name, mail, etc. In the post domain, there is also a user so the post microservice can load posts and display the writers without accessing the user microservice. The user entity in the post domain is much simpler:

The microservices are decoupled and the asynchronous communication leads to eventual consistency. This kind of architecture is the basis for loosely coupled services and supports high scalability. The microservices access their example Sqlite databases via Entity Framework and exchange messages via RabbitMQ (e.g. on Docker Desktop).

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How to Build an Event-Driven ASP.NET Core Microservice Architecture
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