In this post, I cover everything you need to know about Spring Data JPA so you can use this library more confidently in your Spring Boot application. I have seen there are a lot of confusion about when to use CrudRepository  or JpaRepository , so I will cover that as well.

What is Spring Data JPA?

As the official documentation from Spring says “Spring Data JPA makes it easy to implement JPA based repositories. It improves and eases the implementation of the JPA-based data access layer. Overall, data access applications are easier to implement.”

With Spring Data JPA, one can avoid a lot of boilerplate code for Java Persistent API (JPA) in the application. The library also makes it easy to query the data from the database taking away a lot of implementation for SQL queries from a developer.

As a developer, you only write repository interfaces including any custom methods and Spring Data JPA will provide the most implementation automatically.

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Everything you need to know about Spring Data JPA
1.30 GEEK