Hello guys, if you want to learn C## to for ASP .NET or Game development using Unity then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared free C## courses and the best ASP .NET courses and today, I am going to share the best courses to learn C-sharp for beginners.

If there is one programming language that deserves more credit, than it currently receives from developers, then it would be Microsoft’s C# or C-Sharp.

When we talk about popular programming languages, we mostly talk about how Java is ruling the programming world for the last three decades, how JavaScript changed the web world, or how Python has taken over all programming languages in the last couple of years, but we seldom mention C#, which is silently providing jobs and making a career with .NET, Unity, and became a preferred choice for creating desktop GUI applications.

If you follow the StackOverflow survey, then you know that C## is always one of the top 5 Programming languages rated by programmers, and this year also close to 31.0% has said that they use C#, which is significant.

There is the whole world of the .NETUnity, and other GUI developers, which uses C## for developing a mission-critical application, and that’s why learning C## is an excellent investment for programmers.

One reason for this apathy towards C## could be the reason that it was platform-dependent, and you can only create Windows application, but that has changed now. With .NET core, you can build cross-platform applications like GUI for Linux and macOS using C#.

That was the one thing that separated Java from C#, but lately, Microsoft has been doing all right things (think Azure, VS Code), and they eliminated that difference as well. This means C## will definitely grow in the coming days.

If you believe in C## potential and want to learn C## or already learning it to use in your recent project and looking for some online courses to learn basics, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn C#** or C-Sharp in 2020**. These courses are suitable for both beginners and experienced programmers who want to fill gaps in their C## knowledge.

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5 Best C# (C-Sharp) Programming Courses for Beginners in 2020
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