A Graphical User Interface allows the user to interact with the application created on different platforms.

GUI interfaces use different indicators like audio indicators, graphical icons, different widgets which makes it highly interactive and user friendly rather than Command-Line applications which are not visually appealing and are text-based interactions.

Tkinter provides a GUI look to the standard python interface. It comes pre-installed with the standard versions of Python on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Tkinter is a Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit which is why it is named Tkinter. It is the most commonly used python GUI toolkit due to a large variety of widgets it supports and its ease of use.

Tkinter provides powerful GUI based widgets and functions which create a visually appealing and highly creative application in just a few lines of codes. Tkinter is famous for creating a GUI application because it opens up in a new window where the user can interact with the application.

In this article, we will explore how we can create a GUI application with a variety of widgets that are available in Tkinter.

Implementation of Tkinter Python GUI Toolkit

As Tkinter comes pre-installed with standard python installation so we will not be installing it although if you don’t have it installed you can install it using pip install tkinter.

  1. Importing required libraries

We will create a form using Tkinter and the widgets it provides. So we will import Tkinter. Also, we will create a window that will initiate the Tk class.

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()

  1. Creating a form step by step

Now we will create the form using different widgets and wrapping them in a single loop.

  1. Setting the Title

We will start by setting the turtle of the window that will run our form. As I already mentioned that we need everything in a single loop so that everything displays at one go we will create the main loop and define all our widgets and functions before that.

window.title('Article Submission Form')

window.mainloop() #this will be the end of our form to wrap everything

Main WindowPIN IT

This is the basic layout of the window we created with the title as we mentioned in the code.

  1. Adding Label and Textbox

We will start by adding Labels for different sections and adding a text box to those labels to the user input. We will also make the application window a bit large in size so that we can see everything clearly without maximizing. Here we will use the ‘place’ function which takes the X and Y coordinate values and displays the widgets accordingly.

#developers corner #complete guide #gui frameworks #gui interface #gui toolkit #python gui toolkit #python programming #tkinter

Complete Guide to Develop an Interface Using Tkinter Python GUI Toolkit
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