There are a plethora of YouTube downloader apps and desktop applications you can use to download YouTube videos. Whether it is to create a short meme for social media or having the video available to view without needing an internet connection.

So you’re probably wondering why would you do it this way rather than using a youtube downloader app? Here are some reasons:

  1. It’s safer — Some apps may compromise your device’s security whereas this is literally your code running off your computer stored in your Google Drive. If a hacker gets into your Google Drive, well let’s just say you’re screwed on so many other levels anyways.
  2. It’s more reliable — I’ve had to change YouTube downloader apps every few months because they go out of date, their site shuts down or runs into technical difficulties.
  3. **Customisable video files **— If you are editing content from YouTube videos then you may need videos in particular formats. With this code, you can personalise the video formats to intricate details including audio type, subtitles inclusion, video format and quality.

#python #google-colab #youtube #command-line

How to download YouTube Videos with Subtitles via Python
2.75 GEEK