Let’s build a fully functioning, beautiful Pokémon Pokédex using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! This beginner-friendly tutorial will guide you through the whole process of using the PokeAPI to fetch data for our application.

🗄 Resources:

PokéAPI: https://pokeapi.co/
index.html starting code: https://gist.github.com/angle943/b48dd5392b5f445af0343cf41ef1bb42
style.css starting code: https://gist.github.com/angle943/f8b80c2dae63c2fd600f5b2f870874be
Finished Repo: https://github.com/angle943/pokedex

🔑 Key Concepts:

  • DOM Manipulation
  • fetch() function
  • asynchronous JavaScript
  • API
  • Event Handlers

#javascript #html #css #game-development #developer

Build a Pokédex REPLICA with Vanilla JavaScript and the PokéAPI (Pokémon API)
3.65 GEEK