Learn how to handle routing with Express, the Node.js framework.

Express is a Node.js framework that is built entirely to run JavaScript code on the server.

Express provides and makes it easy to set up a backend authored application architecture with JavaScript. It is syntactically easy to learn, and it removes some complexities of Node.js.

Routing refers to how an application’s endpoints (URIs) or paths respond to different client requests. Routing is simply configuring other application endpoints to do certain things when a given condition is met.

When setting up routes, we have to associate them with the different methods.

Different methods include

GET — get information from a specific endpoint

POST — create and send data

DELETE — delete data

PUT — update information

Simple routing implementation

app. method (path, handler)

Method- (post, delete, get, put)

Path — Specifies the URL or the route that is to be hit

Handler — Refers to the function that will be run when the particular route or the path is hit.

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How to Handle Routing With Express
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