The use of passwords can be seen anywhere to protect your personal information, ranging from credit cards, web apps, social networks to computers, file managers, and web servers.

As a web developer, it is an inescapable obligation to protect your users’ accounts and privacy. A study shows that 22% of social media users have fallen victim to a security-related incident. The Pony botnet affected Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and other social media users, stealing more than 2 million user passwords.

When it comes to account security, password strength matters.

The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) estimates that about 80 percent of the security incidents reported to them are related to poorly chosen passwords.

Instead of asking the user to change to a strong password, it is better to encourage users to use strong passwords when they register.

The password strength checker (also called password strength meter ) was born of this.

What Is Password Strength Checker:

A password strength checker provides a visual feedback to inform the users that their passwords are weak and don’t meet the minimal requirements.

Some password checkers can also stop users from signing up until the password strength meets the requirements you define.

All of these can be achieved by JavaScript without any server-side overhead.

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10 Best Password Strength Checkers In JavaScript
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