Garrett: My talk is about introducing and scaling a GraphQL BFF. I’m hoping that this talk will have something for people who have already adopted GraphQL and might have been using it in production for a while. Hopefully, we’ll help you think about what you want to do next with that architecture. I also hope that if you are thinking about using GraphQL, or you want to know more about it, this will give you some ideas about the benefits that might be in store for you if you do decide to use GraphQL. This is a talk about growing a GraphQL API much like a plant. We’re going to talk about what it’s like to introduce GraphQL to a code base. We’re also going to talk about what it’s like to use GraphQL in production for a year or two, and how your architecture might evolve. I’m going to take you on the journey of a GraphQL API that I’ve built with my team at Condé Nast. Ultimately, what’s happened to it over the course of just over two years. I’m specifically talking about the Backend for Frontend pattern, which some of you may have heard of. If not, it’s ok, I’m going to give a crash course. I’m talking about this not just because it’s what I built at Condé Nast. Also, because in the industry, this is quite a common pattern for adopting GraphQL. There are a lot of people out there with GraphQL BFFs. I wanted to give a talk that goes a little bit beyond GraphQL 101 because GraphQL is no longer a bleeding edge technology. There are a lot of people out there who have already adopted GraphQL, and are starting to feel the need to scale their APIs. If you have GraphQL in production, there’s a lot for you. If not, then there’ll be something for you as well.

My talk is split into four sections. The first section will be a quick introduction to GraphQL, and the BFF design pattern. I know some of you will already be familiar with these concepts, but I’m going to get us all on the same page regardless. Secondly, we’re going to talk about building a GraphQL BFF, how GraphQL and the BFF design pattern relate to each other. What it’s like to actually build a GraphQL BFF. Then I’m going to talk about some problems or opportunities that might arise with this architecture, and how you ultimately might want to scale your GraphQL BFF. Finally, I’m going to talk about the future of GraphQL architecture, some industry trends, and where we ultimately might want to evolve our GraphQL architecture.

Who Am I? I’m Michelle. I’m a Software Engineer at Condé Nast in London.

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Introducing and Scaling a GraphQL BFF
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