Style with functions, objects and IntelliSense

Rosebox is a CSS-in-Typescript library that provides features like strong types (e.g., Angle), typed functions (e.g., linearGradient), additional shorthand properties (e.g., marginX, paddingX), an object-interface for some complex properties (e.g., animation), and support for high-quality IntelliSense.

It maps CSS’s data-types into Typescript. Some of these data-types are mapped directly to TS’s intrinsic types like stringLiteral, string, and number, while others are mapped to RB’s custom-types, like Duration, TransformFunction and Length. It has been designed and developed with a focus on typo-reduction, better auto-completion, expressive API, and ease of data manipulation.

  • Typœ-reduction and better auto__ompletion 🤝
  • Expressive API
  • Seamless data manipulation

#typescript #css #rosebox #javascript #developer

Rosebox: CSS in Typescript
2.10 GEEK