Nowadays, near about two and a half billion people around the world are using smartphones. Since, the approach of smartphones changed dramatically regarding how we interact with each other and with our world. News, banking, gaming, cooking, finance etc. any sector has an app dedicated to it. This app is available by just a single touch of a button. Mobile apps are the foundation of smartphone use. Comfort, utility, and assortment are the spine that goad the market forward. Any sector or a company that do not have an app released, is stepping backward in the growth competition.

Necessity of improvement in mobile app performance-

More than 50% of all the users are facing problems with mobile apps. Due to the lack of time, 80% of all consumers will retry an app if it doesn’t work properly at the first time. So mobile app performance should be taken seriously. What is app performance, really? Performance has to do with how fast or slows your app loads if the app crashes when it reaches a peak in user activity, and how smooth certain features (like payments) work.

In other words, “Performance is a product of multiple factors: the server, mobile device, network, and programming of the app itself.”

Target of Mobile app performance-

The focus should be – faster the better. One second delay in response can result in a 7% reduction in conversion. In general two seconds of loading time or less is needed for users to be satisfied. Research shows that for mobile apps (compared to mobile sites) 20% of the users even expect mobile apps to load instantly. Near about 4 in 6 people had a negative experience with mobile shopping. This is a serious issue, people not only leave after a bad mobile experience but also 51% buy from a competitor after. By using some best practices you can boost your mobile revenue. Because, if the mobile apps done right, it will be the best performing channel with e-commerce.

How to improve app performance?

1. Resize, cache, and compress images to reduce load time-
If your image is large, it will slow your app in order to properly load. Here are some tips that can speed up the functionality of your app. If you compress an image, you can reduce the size without compensating on the quality. Resizing image permits you to accommodate images to your mobile app, sparing the extra bandwidth that would be required to show the whole original image. Storing downloads pictures from the system onto the PC’s memory improves the performance. Once these images are there, mobile app will never again be required to load it from the external network each time, instead drawing on its own internal memory. These options will surely reduce the amount of work that your mobile has to go through, means load time will speed up.

2. Using a CDN to accelerate APIs, therefore reducing payload, latency, size and round-trip time-
APIs are useful for your app to communicate and display information originally received from other application, like weather or traffic, and display them in a comprehensive format. A content delivery network (CDN) uses servers across the nation to quicken API communication. By using a server that is geographically close to the user, payload, latency, size, and round-trip time is mitigated because of the reduced distance.

3. Cut down on features that are not essential for app performance-
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Best tips to improve your mobile app performance - Solace Infotech Pvt Ltd
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