One of the many things that JavaScript has going for it is the ability to recursively call functions. This feature is used to provide important functionality that the language would have to work very hard to compensate for if it were not available.

What is recursion?

Unfortunately, as with most Technical concepts, if you were to simply Google “recursion” you might find the definition a little hard to understand:

Recursion — relating to or involving a program or routine of which a part requires the application of the whole, so that its explicit interpretation requires in general many successive executions.”

If the above worries you, fret not, because the concept is nowhere near as complex as what the incredibly exaggerated wording would have you believe.

Recursion in JavaScript is, simply put, the ability to call a function from within itself.

Still not making sense? That’s perfectly okay. It will. Let’s go through some examples of recursion starting from the simplest form.

#javascript #web-development

Understanding Recursion in JavaScript
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