This article is going to focus on invoicing clients for services that have been performed and will utilize messaging solutions within the Heroku ecosystem. The goals of the invoice process are as follows:

  1. Quick and easy to use
  2. Accurate and allow adjustments
  3. Notify clients via SMS, including a link to an online invoice
  4. Allow clients to submit payments using Venmo

Below, is a current version of the feature roadmap:

This article is going to focus on invoicing clients for services that have been performed and will utilize messaging solutions within the Heroku ecosystem. The goals of the invoice process are as follows:

Invoice Processing and Flow

In order to illustrate the flow for sending invoices, the following diagram was created:

I wanted to utilize a message-based approach, based upon my past experiences and satisfaction with the pattern. While one could argue that the current processing volume does not warrant a message-based approach, I did want to prove out this concept for use when the system gains more popularity.

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Using Heroku To Leverage CloudAMQP
1.70 GEEK